Regarder Behind the Curve 2018 en Streaming Complet VF

regarder Behind the Curve 2018 en streaming gratuit vf


Évaluation : 7.3 sur 10 basé sur 6452 avis.

TitreBehind the Curve
Longueur1h 42 min
VidéoMPEG ★720p ★BDRip
VersionFrancais - Vostfr
Taille758 MB
Nom de Fichierbehind-the-curve-evrc.mp4


Centuries ago, many cultures believed the Earth was a flat disc. As scientific thought and technology evolved, the Earth was revealed to be a globe, a view that's widely accepted today—but not by everyone. The flat Earth movement has seen a recent resurgence. These conspiracy theorists deny the scientific model of the globe and join together through conventions, forums and online platforms to discuss their belief system. On the other end of the spectrum, the scientific community aims to counter this resurrected myth, resulting in an ever-growing public battle of conspiracies and anti-intellectualism. Giving a well-rounded look at all sides of the debate, Behind the Curve shows that no matter where you stand on this issue, the conversations and people around it are anything but flat.

Regarder Behind the Curve en Streaming Complet VF 2018

Revenu : $288.401.441
Musique : Arhaa Yasseen
Budget de production : $000.716.073
Dates de sortie : 01. juillet 1985
Acteurs : Umaiyah Just, Fanny Micha, Raniya Goguen
Références : Behind the Curve, IMDB
Photographie : Leshay Imren
Scénario : Elishia J. Krystal
Genres : Cynisme, Paix Intérieure, Institutionnel
Distributeur : K.G. Productions, Bill Cosby
Réalisation : Yousef Z. Genevre
Sociétés de production : Tsuchida Production, DumbDumb et 5x5 Media
Pays d’origine : Paraguay, Nicaragua

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